
Easter Rainbow Pine Cone Bouquet

Easter Pine Cone Centerpiece Easter: what an egg-cellent time of year. Spring is here and it’s totally egg-ceptable to eat those extra pieces of chocolate. Don’t like my egg-ceptional jokes? I’ll try to keep my Easter puns to a minimum… or maybe i’ll whisk it.  We stumbled upon this adorable and different take on Easter decor on


Kathryn’s Wedding

Customer Photo’s Here at Dried Decor, we love it when customers send us pictures of the things that they’ve created with our products. Our customers are so creative and often times people will call and try to explain what it is they’re making to us, but the finished product never ceases to amaze all of


DIY Spring Moss Frame

DIY Spring Moss Frame This year the Spring equinox is March 20, and even though Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of Winter, here in Utah the weather has been beautiful! Disclaimer: beautiful in February really means like 50 but hey, we’re above freezing right? Either way it still has me dreaming of BBQ’s, camping